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The Best Brand Messaging ChatGPT Prompt

Use this prompt to understand what’s holding your customers back.

Copy + paste this into ChatGPT, then replace your brand info with the text inside the [brackets] and remove the brackets. Enjoy!

I am a [fitness coach in Santa Monica, CA]. I want you to act like you are a potential customer of my business. I specialize in [whole-body wellness programs, including meditation, body weight and weightlifting programs, and sustainable vegan diets]. What questions are you asking yourself when you are considering [hiring me/purchasing from me] or another business like mine? Tell me your thoughts, questions, and concerns that are holding you back from purchasing and format them in a markdown table.

Click here to open your ChatGPT to try it!

After you input the prompt, ChatGPT will output a nice, organized table of your customer’s hesitations and objections. (Pro-tip: repeat as many times as you like!)

Then all you have to do is RUN (do not walk) to your brand messaging, website, and Instagram to ensure you’re actually meeting your customers where they are. (More on that with examples of exactly how to do that in this post right here.)

Find this helpful? You’ll get this prompt plus 25 pages of additional brand positioning strategies in our killer Jumpstart Brand Guide.

Do not delte - Ryan
Do not delte - Ryan

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