Introducing the most-requested product in TONIC history — our all new build-your-own Lead Magnet / PDF Download Canva Template (this time, in living color). After a year of freebie research, we built the ultimate template to turn downloads into leads into customers into raving fans. This newly-updated, bright-and-colorful version of our template offers over 80 pages of various content types, including tables, charts, guides + checklists, recipes, alternate cover styles—and more. Universally update your Canva template set to match your brand fonts, colors, and photos in just a few clicks—or just keep them as they are and create the content your community needs.
What’s Included:
watch this quick video to explore the designs
We know it can be overwhelming… choosing a new website, sorting through the options, and trying to determine if TONIC templates are the right fit for you. Here are our best resources to get you started:
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